WisdomBody is a hands-on therapy rooted in the innate wholeness of our embodied experience. This unity is ever present. But when injury, illness, trauma, loss or confusion fragment us, we feel disconnected from it. WisdomBody balances and unburdens our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state. |
WisdomBody is a powerful way to resolve blocks to creative work, artistic or athletic performance and imbalances due to illness or injury. The process invites you discover the inherent workability of whatever you encounter in bodily experience and recover resiliency and wholeness.
WisdomBody uses gentle hands-on table work, movement, present moment awareness and dialog to address your specific needs. Discussion to illuminate your present condition — including illness, injury or limitation — precedes and informs the session. Focusing first on any burdens in the physical body, your exploration moves progressively deeper to any “subtle-body” experience that affects your well-being. |
Seeking deeper ways to help clients regain freedom of movement and ease from pain, Enid’s search took her from dance to physical therapy to spiritual traditions. Grounded in anatomy and
physiology, she discovered a rich new dimension to inform and refine her healing practice. Always starting with — and returning to — the body to restore wholeness and unity. |